EJ Pages



DVD Limited Edition of ../50

Each cardboard case is individually filled,  sprayed, numbered and signed on the back by Paul Hubweber and Ebba Jahn, who designed it.



The available formats:

1.) DVD-R with mpeg-4 /.mp4  running on computers and in some newer DVD-Players worldwide.

2.) Upon request a DVD-R with mpeg2-DVD format can be sent. It plays on DVD-players with  DVD-R capacity as well, but so far everybody preferred mpeg-4.

The disc-top was thermo-printed which made it a little shiny.

Die Filmbesprechung von Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg ist eingelegt auf deutsch und englisch, der Text auch auf diesem Blog zu finden  >>:

Translation / Übersetzung aus dem Französischen von Beate Blasius, redigiert von Claudia Blasius.

The  review in English by Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg.

Translated from German to English by Ebba Jahn.

The origanl art for this inlay card consists of an encaustic work by Ulrike Hasenburg.

The backside of the card is of use while you are watching the DVD. It helps to follow, whose works are in the picture.


Buy a unique DVD via email to Ebba Jahn and receive Paypal invoice and Postbank IBAN,
or use my music shop EJProjects on