AQUA IMPROMPTU HD Video 13 min., Ebba Jahn, Germany 2019/20
It is a video collage centering around flying drops, in space and on earth, along with coloured rivers, a sense of curiosity, joy and hommage.
Watching extreme summer weather, outside the filmmaker's window under construction in Berlin inspired the impromptu video. Her scenery and sound recordings are intertwined with memories of selected film-, video and photo materials from colleagues and agreeable archives.
Nature sound combined with Paul Hubweber's Trombone Variations and the vocal music piece Neptune's Bellows by trio Sverdrup Balance tie all elements together.
First comments from contributors:
Experimental vocalist Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg from Belgium:
"The video is excellent, off the wall and deep."
Signal processor and former professor Lawrence Casserley from UK: "The film is lovely - a beautiful strangeness rooted in reality."
"Das Video ist echt gut geworden - so schön mysteriös," says photographer Gudrun Arndt.
Filmfestivals and screening spaces find it on FilmFreeway but have to request the password by email to Ebba Jahn. A small HD 720 file is also available. and have AQUA IMPROMPTU too.
NEXT FESTIVAL July 10th until September:
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66. Intl. Short Film Festival Oberhausen
May 13.-18. 2020 // 66. Kurzfilmtage
German Competition Official Selection
[ONLINE due to Corona lockdown] showed films for passholders 2 days
+ side program Filmgeflacker
+ Video Library until June 16th for accredited film industry only.